Our fundraising coordinators are:
Ericka Darks - Phenom Raffle, ATP & Larosas Buddy Cards
Carla Olverson - Reds & Wendy's
Thank you!
I certify that I am offering my services to Elegant Fare, Inc. on a
volunteer basis. I understand that I will receive no pay, benefits, or other privileges of employment, of any kind, for my services.
I further understand that I am not eligible for workerʼs compensation benefits if I am injured or become ill as a result of my volunteer work. I am not eligible for unemployment compensation benefits when my volunteer assignment ends. I certify that I have not been promised nor have an expectation of paid employment as a result of my volunteer work. I am not employed by Elegant Fare, Inc. and I am performing the proposed volunteer work for civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons.
Closed-toe shoes (tennis shoes or sperry’s preffered)
Khaki shorts ( MUST come to the knee), khaki capris, khaki slacks
Shirt (provided by Elegant Fare
A fast paced venue. Serving food and beverages, assembling pre-cooked food items.
* Fill drink orders
* Assemble hot & cold food items - example: assemble hot dog and bun, add chips/pickle, assemble nachos and cheese, assemble hamburger, bun, lettuce, put popcorn in serving container
* General stocking: food supplies, containers
* Light clean-up throughout shift
* Cans of beer served
Ice Cream
A fast paced venue. Serving ice cream products.
* Scoop ice cream
* Make milk shakes
* General stocking: supplies
* Light clean-up throughout shift
Kitchen & Vegetable Prep
For fundraising staff interested in participating in a professional kitchen. Fast paced and may be noisy. No customer service.
* Assemble kitchen utensils, dishes, food
* Cutting, slicing, peeling, mixing, food prep
* Follow directions from kitchen staff
Grill Runner
Positions paired with Elegant Fare Staff/Must be fit for physical activity
*Run grilled meat to concession stands
*during down time (when no meat needs to be run) this position fills in the help at UDF2 – see ice cream
Assist Elegant Fare staff with operations
* Pick up equipment/supplies and deliver to venues - must be fit
* Later shifts: re-stock supplies at venues
Assist Elegant Fare staff with delivery of supplies to Tents, Suites, and Club.
* Transport food and supplies
* Assist as needed at these venues
* Maybe asked to re-stock
Loft Runners
Must be fit to go up and down stairs. Can have no knee or back problems.
*get food ticket orders, run them to the kitchen and then run the food back
*also, when 2 runners are used, I runner must be dressed to fill in for the Loft position if needed
Relaxed but formal atmosphere
Buffet set-up. More formal atmosphere. Tents are the venue for area companies to host events for staff/clients. Your tent may be decorated with a theme and have live music or may be oriented for presentations.
* Set up food buffets and drink stations
* Assist with bar set-up
* Bus and clean tables
* Provide drink refills at drink station
* Refresh and fill food buffet
* Clean up food and drink stations
Players - catered buffet to tennis players and family
Dress code change for players of khaki slacks only, no shorts or capris
Racquet - food for purchase for guests (lunch 11:30, dinner 5 pm)
* set up and bus tables
* wrap silverware
* check buffet and coordinate with chef to replenish
DRESS CODE : for suites
Tournament, t-shirt
Khaki slacks
Black closed toe shoes, can be black gym shoes
Suites MUST be 21 or older
Relaxed but formal atmosphere, set up catered buffet to guests of private suites and the media room.
* Quick set-up of food buffet right before guests arrive so food will be fresh. Up to 4 suites, may serve alcohol
* Stand in suite of offer drinks, freshen buffet or clean up
* May rotate suites to relieve staff
* Media suite: refill food bar and drink station, keep tables clean
DRESS CODE: for Champion and Loft
Black long sleeved shirt, button up or polo style
Black pants
Black closed toed shoes, can be black gym shoes (ladies wear flats, not heals or your feet will be very tired)
Champion Club - catered buffet to guests of the private club
* set up and bus tables
* wrap silverware
* check buffet and coordinate with chef to replenish
Loft - A relaxed, but formal atmosphere catering to clients who want a quick snack.
* Bus tables
* Wrap silverware
* Replenish snacks